AI Personal Injury Tools

Medical Records

AI tools for analyzing medical records such as timelines and summaries.

AI-Powered Analysis

Advanced AI tools provide in-depth analysis of medical records, enhancing personal injury case evaluations.

Medical Record Summaries

Generate concise summaries of medical records, highlighting essential details and findings.

Medical Record Timelines

Visualize medical events and treatments in a clear, chronological timeline.

Full-Text Search

Quickly search and retrieve information within extensive medical records.

Similarity Search

Identify similar information across multiple documents for comprehensive analysis.

OCR Built In

We have built in enterprise-level Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to extract text from images and scanned documents.

Medical Record Timelines

Get a detailed view of medical events in chronological order, highlighting key interventions and treatments.

With Wordbase AI, you can analyze medical records efficiently, providing a comprehensive overview of the patient's medical history and treatment plan.

Chronological TimelinesDynamic Summaries

Personal Injury Case Timeline

A chronological overview of medical events.

January 10, 2023 - Car Accident & Initial Care
Involved in a serious car accident, transported to the hospital by ambulance. Admitted for emergency care, multiple injuries treated including a broken leg and internal bleeding.
January 18, 2023 - Diagnostic Tests & Follow-up
Underwent X-rays, CT scans, and MRI to assess the extent of injuries. Follow-up appointment with orthopedic surgeon and trauma specialist to develop a comprehensive treatment plan.
March 10, 2023 - Treatment & Rehabilitation
Started medication to manage pain and prevent infection. Began an intensive rehabilitation program to regain strength, mobility, and functionality.
May 15, 2023 - Surgical Intervention
Underwent surgery to repair complex fractures in the left leg. Post-operative follow-up indicated successful recovery trajectory.
Medical Records Search

Advanced Search

Search and retrieve information quickly within extensive medical records.

Use our powerful search engine to search your documents for exact matches, keywords or similar topics.

Exact MatchSimilarity Search